We are a non-profit association from Hanover, Germany, that advocates free access to knowledge on the Internet. For us, free access to knowledge means: Commercial and political interests must not have any influence on Internet content - especially on the results of search engines.
Privacy is our basis
Information search should not take place in a filter bubble; all information should be available for every user at any time. For this reason, we develop and operate the search engine MetaGer. The protection of privacy is a central concern for us. We do not store any (meta) data where it is not absolutely necessary for operation. We advocate an open society in which it is possible to move in the digital world without snooping.
You can count on it: With MetaGer an open, transparent Internet search is possible, and there is also a guarantee for this. Because our promise is backed by our freie Software für jeden nachprüfbar. Wir verarbeiten schon immer nur die Daten, die zum Betrieb unserer Dienste unbedingt nötig sind. Datenschutz ist bei uns von Haus aus der Standard. Profiling – also die automatische Erstellung von Nutzerprofilen – betreiben wir nicht.

"Those who give up freedom to gain security will end up losing both"
This insight from Benjamin Franklin is central for us. The monopoly position of such a crucial knowledge infrastructure as a search engine puts freedom and democracy at risk. Only diversity and pluralism in the search engine market can prevent individual interests - be they commercial or governmental - from controlling free access to the digitally networked world knowledge. As understandable as the desire for security may be, its realization poses significant risks that far outweigh the benefits of security systems.
Ist auch Ihnen der freie Wissenszugang ein Anliegen? Mit einer Vereinsmitgliedschaft in unserem gemeinnützigen Verein können Sie die Forschung im Bereich der Suchmaschinentechnologie aktiv fördern. Es locken auch weitere attraktive und exklusive Vorteile.